Its been a while since i blogged regularly but hopefully ove the christmas break i can change that.
So i have another Bubbly scrumptious sneak peak for my wednesday project tomorrow. I love this LO and its so in keeping with the snow we have outside at the moment. We are totally snowed in today, no going anywhere.
Here are the sneaks and remember to pop back tomorrow to bubbly scrumptious to see the full project.
Its sunday again and time for the weekly challenge on the bubbly scrumptious challenge blog. You can find all the details HERE
The theme this week is the meaning of Christmas. For me its all the little things like the decorations, family time and the weather that make it special.
I love how this LO turned out as i have been meaning to make a LO like this for about 3 years and this just seemed to be the perfect time. I really enjoyed spending a few hours creating this without guilt as my exams are done and i spent a good 5 hours on my last essay.
I hope you can join in the last challenge of the year and remember to check back to the challenge blog to see some new changes, new format, new additional DT. I personally cant wait.
And lastly, to draw the RAK from last week. I got Alex to pick some numbers out of the hat and the winner is
I have got the wreath bug and after finding a ebay supplier of polystrene half rings who has super fast delivery, i see lots more wreaths for all different occassions, lol
Here is another christmas one i made for a friend to match her new colour scheme in her new house.
Off to search for polystyrene balls now for another project,lol
PS and dont forget to comment on the RP blog hop, you still have time as i will draw a name on friday
And as i had an unexpected craft day on friday i sat and played for the whole day with some papers and a sharp scalpel.
I used mainly RP white christmas collection and trims for this LO with a hint of websters pp, prima stamps flowers and rock candy on the PP. All of which except the RP PP can be ordered from bubbly funk.
Thanks for looking, oh and dont forget to comment on the post below and go see the hop to win the rak.
As i mentioned yesterday there is a blog hop going on again with the rusty pickle designers. Head on over to the RP BLOG to get you started. Some designers have posted already but the official kick off is 1pm UTAH time i think which is anout 8pm here in the UK.
And as i cant join in this time and i received a huge box of goodies yesterday in the post full of stuff from the retreat and the new Shazaam collection, i thought id give away a little RAK.
I have one set of Shazamm papers for somebody who leaves me a comment saying they have been to the RP blog, joined the blog hop and left a comment on the RP blog at the end. It wont take you all that long and you will certainly benefit from all the talented ladies creations. Go on you know you want too. (Sorry, but i can only post a prize to a UK/ European winner, as poor student you know, lol). This collection is just perfect for those of you who have playful, adventurus, super hero boys like me, lol
You can see the full shazaam collection here. Click the Shazaam link on the left.
So i am on a coffee break and have to do something to stop me putting the christmas movie channel on the tv, sucker for christmas films.
So here are my projects for the month, photo heavy.
Alex's Halloween album using the new thriller line.
Monthly sketch challenge from the rusty pickle blog.
Pretty gift bags
You saw these yesterday with my bubbly scrumptious stuff but here they are on their own. Templates from papertrayink
And lastly but by no means least, a gift photo wallet.
I hope you like them and they inspire you.
Remember you can order RP products direct from the website now.
Also there is going to be another great inspiration filled blog hop starting tomorrow and all weekend. I am not joining in this time, revision, boo hoo but head on over to the blog tomorrow to see where it starts. I do believe its with the beautiful, highly talented Dawn, who ROCKS by the way.
So i have been lax in posting stuff for buubly funk what with revision and being upto my eyes in E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus in the lab for my dissertation but i have the time now to update you.
Firstly, remember there is a prize winning weekly challenge over on the bubbly scrumptious challenge blog.
This week its all about wrap and tag. Here is my creation made from old fancy wall paper picked up in a sale. Great for posh wrapping.
And then there is my post for this week. Its all about the pretty little gift bags, tying into the whole its a wrap theme.
Remember When Mini Album
Hello! Hello! Finally able to sneak some time to blog a little. Today, I
would like to share with you a mini album which I've created using Clear
Scraps ...
Invitation Inspiration...
Today the Papertrey Ink team has more party stuff to show you! We are
working with some new dies called *Big Basics* and the *Invitation Basics*
stamp set...
November Kit - Scrapbook Werkstatt's
It feels REALLY Great to be able to do what meaningful crafting once again!
And this month, I get to use Scrapbook Werkstatt's November kit - punch
full of...
Love & Family Shabby Scrapbook Layout by Phyllis
Hey Crafty Friends, Phyllis here today to share my latest Design Team
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you can pa...
Yes I am still alive and well....
and much better I might add! I have taken a break from the blog world to
take care of some much needed health issues and have stumbled upon
something I am ...
New Beginnings
There is no beginning too small. -Thoreau
Hello again, it's been a long time. Time to start some new beginnings. Not
exactly, but a renewal and refreshi...
I have been playing about with some paints and have altered a few chunkies
over on UKS
This was one I made for myself before I started swapping. Chris