Anyway, as its a snow day and the boys are home, there is no chance of any college work being done at all today so i had better address some of my tags.
The first one is from Jayne. You have to post the 6th photo from the 6th folder in your photos folder. Then nominate 5 people and leave links in the comments. So here goes.
The 6th folder in my photo album is entitled Misc Family. The 6th picture in that album is this one.

Ok so who do i nominate. I apolgise if you have this tag already but as i havent blog hopped for a while i havent noticed who has it who doesnt.
1. Chrissey
2. Sharon
3. Toni
4. Pam
5. Jo
And lastly i have been awarded the honest scrap blogging award.

The rules for accepting this award are as followed:
1) first list 10 honest things about yourself and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! (
2) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
Janice has awarded me this Honest Scrap blogging award, I am inclined to avoid too much 'deep stuff' on my blog, but am happy to share the things I have put down here.
1. I am really not a morning person at all. If i am woken up then i am even worse. If i wake up naturally then i have a nice sunny disposition, lol
2. I am a real crumpy cow for the whole day if i dont have a bath or shower first thing in the morning every day!!
3. I am not proud but i do hold grudges. If i have a fight with a friend, husband or family, i take a very long time to forgive!!
4. I have the attention span of a goldfish and i am very easily bored. I have a huge crate of unfinished craft ptojects under my desk.
5. I would love to give up everything and run a craft shop so i could create all day and every day to my hearts content, lol
6. But then again i would love to be a research scientist. And hopefully after i finish my honours degree next summer, i will be.
7. Not alot of people now this but i do get very low sometimes and it takes alot to cheer me up. I take things very seriously alot of the time and find it hard to just step back and chill out.
8. I have strong family values. I dont care if my boys dont have the lastest gadgets or top name clothes, as long as they have us and know that what we provide for them has been bought with love and hard work, then that is enought!!!
9. I love to read. I will read almost anything from trashy mills and boon, to murder / mystery and right up to jumping out of my skin horror, lol. I go thru 2 paper backs a week.
10. I absolutely hate gardening with a vengence. And since i have a massive garden with lots of grass you can imagine how much i detest cutting the bloody lawn in the summer!!!!!!!!!!!
So who shall i pass this award onto, let me see.
1. Willow, as her LO's are the most honest thing around, they touch my heart often.
2. Laura
3. Jayne
4. Mel
5. Leanne
6. Cleo
7. Chrissy
And i am done, whew
Interesting tag Sarah...will need to have a go at this when the UKS CC is out of the way.
Toni :o)
Awww! Thanks hun, for the tag!
So sorry i havnt done anything about it yet, but i will try to find the time tonight to at least aknowlege this on my blog tonight! (bin a bit of a bad blogger of late...again!!!)
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