Tuesday, 21 July 2009

A bit of sunshine so we hit the road

Today the rain stopped and the sun popped out so we donned shorts and T shirts and hit the road. We travelled towards Huntly, stopping for lunch before arriving at the forestry commission peregrine falcon centre.

Its FREE with a manned information centre and a wonderful enthusiastic guide (gibby) telling the boys all about the falcons and the pair they have at the site.

Its a loverly little place with nice walk ways up to the hide where there are binoculars and telescopes set out to find the birds.

And we found a chick sitting on a tree stump.

Arh blogger is not playing so i will come back and re edit tomorrow.




Mrsjobee said...

Not been to see the Peregrines this year - Gibby is great isn't he.

misteejay said...

Such great pics, sounds like you had a fab day.

Toni :o)