Anyway, enough moaning, lol, The forest it's self was gorgous. All wide paths that were open and bright and lots to see. The boys were fascinated by all the fungi that we saw in many different shapes and colours. They have fungi identification walks here so hopefully we will get to go on one soon. The boys were looking for the smurf's and told funny smurf stories all the way round.
here are a few pics
There was a large look out tower about half way round but i didnt go up, i was looking after the dog!!! Keith took a few shots from the top.
I handed the camera over to Daniel as i was carrying the bags and the dog at one point and he took some nice pics of the forest itself.
We are really loving going out and about with the new pooch and seeing our local sites.
That's it for now as off to bath the boys and sort my college stuff out as i am out for the day tomorrow for a day of shopping with Keith tomorrow, a rare treat
X Sarah X
FAB photos Sarah. I love the red and white spotty Toadstools.
Looks like you had a great day. I never knew mushrooms actually existed like that.
Oh no!....mushrooms, cant stand them lol. loving the doggy though.
kate x
Great selection of photos love all the fungi :)
looks like you had a lovely day sarah xxx
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