Saturday, 21 March 2009

No Brainer

So yesterday i started research for my next big essay and as the morning went on i was getting more and more stressed, tired and angry. I realised that it was just not going to work that day, i couldnt use my brain. So i needed something simple to do that required no thinking on my part, a no brainer, lol

So i decided to make a LO about my Uni achievemnet so far, one that celebrates how i was feeling yesterday basically. I sat and created for 2 hours, a record for me and you know what i felt very relaxed and optimistic last night.

we even went for a nice walk as a family, did a spot and gardening and make plans to dig over the veggie plot today.

So moral of the story. when in doubt, do some crafting, lol

So here is my LO. You may have noticed a theme developing here, pink and green. Now these are more my favourite pinks and greens.

So i plan to make another LO tonight if i can as i want to enjoy this happy feeling this weekend and leave uni behind until monday, lol


1 comment:

jay670120 said...

lovely L/Os and card. Just popped on to see what you have been up to x