Dyan Reavely of Blonde Moments is just a craft superstar. She is such a great teacher. She makes every individual in the room feel so special. She treats you with respect and takes into account everybodies level. Nobody is left behind and those who are more advanced are not left with nothing to do. It was a fully entertaining package. The energy and humor that Dyan brought to the event was infectious and we were all laughthing in our seats within minutes of starting. Dyans team, Mark and Emy were also helpful and witty (mark) and very professional. The stock that was brought hubdreds of miles for our purchasing pleasure was outstanding.
The 6 classes we were taught were so packed full of techniques and tips. I will upload pics when i have fully completed then as to put them up now would do them no justice. My pics of the event did not turn out to good but here are a few.
The calm before the storm, lol
Pre event challenge, Blonde moments inspired item
Pre event challenge, autume inspired card
Pre event challenge, Summer, marine, beach LO which i won by the way, yay
Dyan in full teaching flow
So full of concentration
Some more photos over on the event chat thread on UKS courtesy of Fiona and Sharon.
The stock that was brought for us was amazing. I only took £50 as I am a skint student now but i spent every penny. Here are some things i bought.
Elsie papers, 7 gypsies rubber band book, altered shapes and door hangers, rubber stamps, journalling stencil, Blonde moments christmas paper and pink sugar dumpling paper.
Special thanks to Dyan and her team for travelling hundreds of miles for us and to sandra for doing a great job of organising the whole event.
Hi Sarah
Your photos are really good. Hope you don't mind me pinching some!
Hi Sarah,
I love your photos. As Sharon did I also copied them into my Scrap Attack folder of photos. It's great to have a selection from other people. I plan to pout my photos on UKS tonight. I don't have a blog but after seeing yours, Fiona and Sharon's I really want one now. I wonder though who would look at it!
looks like a great day! and all that yummy stash!! very jealous
Heather [UKS hevbell]
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