Saturday, 25 October 2008

52 ways to look after yourself, challenge 8

Break time: Come fly with me

This week I would like you plan your ultimate holiday. If you are like me, you will have a ultimate destination in mind already for when the kids have flown the nest and you have saved for that rainy day.

You will probably have a dream of flying away somewhere really exotic, be it a cultural tour of the orient, a safari in Africa or a bush tucker tour of Australia.

So take time to plan your dream holiday, go on the net and search out all those tourist hot spots or hunt out those little secret places hidden away. Taylor your plans to what suits you, be it 5 star luxury or back packer hostels way of the beaten track. Make your LO to represent that ultimate dream and one day it just might come true, I hope mine does.

I made my LO about Las Vegas as it is my dream to one day go and have a second honeymoon at vegas. What happens in vegas, stays in vegas, lol. I just love all the glam, glitze, cheese. I would people watch the gambling, show and dinner everynight, csi tours, the works. I also used the Teresa Collins travel collection which you can buy in Carolinez new october kit here for £13.75 or caroline has an offer on so why not take advantage of both bon apetite and travel kits for £25.

So go in, indulge in a little luxury of dreaming and bon voyage


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